Rules of the game

How to understand Hypnoledge and learn foreign languages through hypnosis?

Dear user,

Welcome to the world of Hypnoledge, the 1st language learning application under hypnosis!

When you decided to embark on this adventure, you took the first step towards an immersive and captivating method to develop your full potential!

Thanks to hypnosis, learning the languages becomes easier and more fun, you will feel serene and confident to discover new linguistic and cultural horizons!

Learning a language under hypnosis is, in a way, benefiting from a secret toolbox that allows you to:

  • Rules of the game - image 1

    Break down all emotional barriers and gain self-confidence

  • Rules of the game - image 2

    Reduce mental agitation

  • Rules of the game - image 3

    Memorize more easily thanks to an optimized state of concentration

  • Rules of the game - image 4

    Anchor your learning over time

  • Rules of the game - image 5

    Learning in a more fun way

  • Rules of the game - image 6

    Absorb linguistic subtleties in a more intuitive and spontaneous way

In this document, we will guide you through the rules of the application and provide you with valuable tips to optimize your experience with Hypnoledge.

Prepare to dive into a new and captivating learning experience. You are about to discover the countless benefits of learning languages under hypnosis.

Your first connection

That's it, you've started, your profile is created, it's time to start this new adventure. Are you impatient? Spoiler alert: us too!

The means of connection

The first thing you need to know is that to connect, you must use the connection method chosen during registration, i.e.:

  • Either "continue with Apple"
  • Either "continue with Google"
  • Either "continue with Facebook"
  • Either manually enter the email and password chosen during registration

If you choose a connection method other than the one with which you initially registered then you will create a new account because the application will identify you as a new user

The application is not in your language? (put the link to the dedicated article on Zendesk)

The level test

During your first connection, a level test (in the form of multiple choice questions) will be offered to you: no pressure, you can come back to it at any time!

  • 📹 How to get back to my level at any time (tutorial)
  • 📹 Family subscription: see the tutorial to add other users

The rules of the game

Here we go! You're finally starting your apprenticeship!

Hypnoledge how does it work?

How does the application look

  • Dashboard: This is the dashboard of your learning, it allows you to have an overview of your progress by reviewing the number of tests passed and the validation of the number of rules of grammar. You will also be able to consult some articles which concern the use of the application
  • Course: this is the heart of the application: it covers your progress route and the courses to be completed. When you first connect, press “go” and validate each step to validate your progress .
  • Revisions: you will find the words that you need to revise in order to establish long-term memorization (see the part concerning revisions - link to the relevant paragraph)
  • Grammar: this tab includes all the grammar rules covered in the courses. Here you can consult them individually by consulting the rule, downloading it and completing / redoing the associated exercises

Understanding the learning journey.

Your progress in each language is presented in the form of a route to complete. To validate each step you must complete themes or carry out tests.

For each language: 4 maximum levels are possible.

For the basics:

  • Complete the topics and tests in a specific order.
  • Each completed theme unlocks the next one.
  • A theme is completed with 1 listening (with or without hypnosis), the vocabulary exercises completed, the grammar exercises completed with a minimum of 70% success.
  • From time to time, a test appears on the course (the shield icon), it is necessary to pass it with a minimum of 70% success to unlock the next theme.

For beginner and intermediate:

  • Complete the topics and tests in any order.
  • Every 7 themes completed we unlock a progress test on the course, to be passed at least 70%.
  • A theme is completed here with 3 listenings (with or without hypnosis), vocabulary, grammar and comprehension exercises.

For expert:

  • Complete the topics and tests in any order.
  • Every 7 themes completed we unlock a test on the course, to be passed at a minimum of 70%.
  • To complete a theme you need 3 listenings, and only succeed in the comprehension exercises (which use idiomatic expressions seen in the dialogue and in the vocabulary)
  • There are no grammar or vocabulary exercises in this level

How to learn your first lesson?

Do you want to optimize your learning?

Here are our tips for carrying out your learning sessions on the application:

✅Settle comfortably in a calm and reassuring place

🔥Choose a theme

👀Reading associated Grammar & Conjugation rules

➡️Discover vocabulary words by consulting the associated images

🎧Listen to the course by choosing the hypnosis setting that suits you

🚀Exercises after coming out of hypnosis

What about putting yourself under hypnosis?

The learning sessions and the method are based and structured around hypnosis.

What are the different options?

  • Gentle hypnosis: you can use this type of hypnosis if you are familiar with the state of hypnosis and you feel calm and relaxed before your learning session. You can also use gentle hypnosis if you feel particularly tired or sleepy.
  • Deep hypnosis: this type of hypnosis is particularly useful if you feel tense, stressed and you need a little more time for yourself, to find yourself and be in the best conditions for start your session. We also recommend this type of hypnosis for the first sessions in order to benefit from all the benefits of the hypnotic state.
  • For children: dedicated to our little wolves from 7 years old to 13 years old

Revision modules

Thanks to hypnosis, learning is more accessible, easier and more fun, but what we also want is to anchor your knowledge in long-term memory!

Our review system based on cognitive science and the spaced repetition mechanism will help you naturally record in your long-term memory all the new words and expressions you have learned during our courses.

The revision schedule is calculated from the forgetting curve, which allows you to revise a concept just before forgetting it, by spacing out the revisions little by little.

On the principle of this forgetting curve, illustrations of the vocabulary words or expressions that you learned during the lessons will appear at the best time (just before forgetting). The revision intervals are at +1D + 2 +5 +7 +16 (i.e. 31J for a long-term acquisition from the first revision if we retain 5 times without fail)

As you will have understood, hypnosis coupled with this revision method offers you extraordinary memorization abilities 🔥

When to use the review module?

You can access it as soon as the first words are available (a dot is then displayed at the review icon)

How to use the review module?

Swipe left (not remembered) or right (stored)

  • Swipe the image with your finger to the left or right of your phone screen (this must return automatically and spontaneously)
  • The goal is to instinctively know the vocabulary word associated with the image that appears.

The Hypnokeys

Hypnoledge is not only a learning adventure but also a human adventure. Thanks to your diligence and your progress you will obtain rewards: the Hypnokeys which will allow you to unlock hypnosis sessions at the heart of the Human universe of your application.

What is the Human universe?

The Human universe is a world dedicated to your inner/personal transformation through hypnosis sessions.

The Human universe offers you 4 main families to explore:

  • Personal development: go through sessions that will help you grow and develop your performance, release your emotions, your talents and gain self-confidence
  • Well-being: unlock your emotional barriers on daily life themes to feel better about yourself and in your head
  • Soft Skills: dedicated to the development of your interpersonal skills and your emotional intelligence within a work environment
  • Children: the children's module is specially designed to support the development of your little wolf. It is accessible free of charge so you can browse it freely according to the needs of the moment.

During your first connection to the Human world you will have access to a psycho-emotional test which will allow you to position yourself in 6 categories (language, confidence, abilities, emotions, lifestyle, performance).

Which sessions can be unlocked using hypnokeys?

Each hypnoboost in the personal development section is accessible thanks to the hypnokeys that you have earned through your progress and diligence.

Each session is attached to one or more categories, follow the recommendations to advance your profile.

How to earn Hypnokeys?

1st option: Attendance

Every week, log in to the app to automatically earn hypnokeys as a reward for your attendance.

  • 1 connection = 10 Hypnokeys
  • 3 connections = 15 Hypnokeys
  • 5 connections = 25 Hypnokeys

Attendance rewards reset every Monday, allowing you to receive new rewards every week.

2nd option: Thanks to your progress

When you complete a theme or a test, it becomes collectable on the course.
You can then click on the corresponding completed step and collect Hypnokeys.

Any questions?